I'm even going to close comments *gasp* on this post because I can't stand not getting comments. I'll pretend that I would've got dozens if left opened. It's my blog. I can pretend whatever I want.
But if you really want to, and you probably will, go ahead and comment on Danny's blog, cuz he IS funny. If there was a category or a blog called "Mormon Daddy Blogs," he'd be up there with Funny Daddies. or Funny Guys. or Funny Dudes. He probably wouldn't be saucy. Whatever that means. Anyone know? Erm.. nevermind. I closed comments, remember? *sigh* His post made me laugh. I aspire to such greatness...
P.S. Lisa, I would LOVE for you to do a post on kid-friendly lunch ideas at FAD.
P.P.S. Those that won the contest and sorta won it, please email me your addresses at FrozenWonderland(at-- don't type "at" this is just where you insert the @ sign)Yahoo(dot-- just put the dot, you know, the period in this spot)com. Still confused? Click on the recipe card on the left sidebar that says, "Compliment the chef." No need to compliment, just email your address and your socks will be on the way.
P.P.P.S. Thank you Mary for the award! It's been ages since I got any kind of bloggy award.