Last year I turned 30. It was no big deal-- except for the part where I expected lots of glorious thoughtful gifts from Danny. I didn't like being 29 because I always thought, people will think I'm lying if I tell them I'm 29 because everyone always says they're 29. So 30 was a relief. But now that 31 is just two weeks away, I'm feeling old. I will be in my thirties. I will be thirty-something. Ugh.
Please send chocolate.
My fabulous technique to avoid holiday disappointment is to get the coupon and sale flier to my preferred store (usually JoAnn's or Michael's) and circle all the things I want. I then slip it to the hubby, with the reminder that he can buy any or all of the items that are circled (according to his budget). I'm pleasantly surprised, he's been successful, the kids think he knows what he's doing. Win-win, all the way around.
26 was my hard birthday, apparently 25 was the top of my definition of young.
I'll send you chocolate if you send me some. I'm turning 30 on Easter this year!
This is my 30 year and I am both excited and not. But excited or not, with Dan or not, I am still gonna have a blow out birthday bash, even if I have to throw it myself.
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