Ice cream tubs are good for holding, organizing, and/or storing: small toys, crayons, Christmas ornaments, cookie cutters and more.
They are just the right size for crockpot lasagna (click on link & scroll down to Crockpot Lasagne recipe).
They are good for holding ice cubes so they don't get that fun "freezer smell."
You can use them for trick-or-treating or in the spring as an Easter pail or at the beach or sandbox for a sand pail.
You can fill them with caramel popcorn and take them to a friend.
But most importantly, they are good for space helmets to go with the diaper box spaceship. And a box and ice cream container that aren't going straight to the landfill, but provide hours of fun, WORKS FOR ME!
Should you find yourself with a few too many Luvs diaper boxes because your washer is rebelling and you refuse to take cloth diaperes to the Laundromat and so you buy disposable but you don't really need a spaceship:
Store Christmas decorations.
Organize homeschooling supplies.
Pack for a road trip instead of using suitcases.
Do a 27-fling boogie and donate to another family, thrift store, Deseret Industries, Airmen's Attic, Salvation Army, Goodwill, or whatever you have near you!
Thanks for stopping by today! Don't forget that I'll be drawing a name from the comments on the PARTY POST on Monday, October 15th. The winner will get a ducky towel.
Hey Nikki, When I freeze those Chicken enchiladas for OAMC. I just roll the chicken & cheese in tortillas, then sauce them when I'm ready to bake. (I'll get right on that order, ma'am.)
Great tip--gives me an excuse to buy the 5 gallon tub instead of the puny half gallon :)
I love all the ideas that I can do with the Ice Cream Tub, you know what this makes a great argument of to WHY I need to buy that ice cream!!
And, you can wash your Golden Retriever's muddy feet in the ice-cream bucket when you let her in the back door.
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