In the daytime, it's not so bad if I stand up to do things and walk around. That however, creates other issues like backache, swollen feet, Braxton-Hicks, round ligament pain, and IMS (irritable mommy syndrome). But my main concern is trying to breathe while sleeping. Babies are squishing my lungs . . . and everything else in there.
Please leave any and all advice that you've ever heard of or worked for yourself on how to sleep and breathe at the same time. I'm all ears. and babies.
lazy boy? I fall asleep in that when I am too big to lay flat on my bed. darn those babies! can't wait to see them.
Oh, I remember this. When I was pregnant with my twins, I actually curled up on the dog bed with my dog because he looked so comfortable. It didn't last long, trust me. Plus, he got mad because I took up so much room.
Being pregnant can cause asthma in women. I know my twins aggravated asthma that I hadn't noticed since I was a kid. Only I didn't remember it was asthma. So I suffered a lot. I know it feels like it's just because they're up in your lungs, and they may be, but you might mention to your doctor how much trouble you're having. I wish I had. I could have gotten an inhaler which would have made me more comfortable at night.
Also, there is an over the counter product called Mag/Gel. It's just magnesium, but it's a good high dose in a good delivery gel cap. My ob gave it to me. It helps me sleep and relax at night, keeps BH at bay, and no hang-over the next morning because it's a mineral, not a drug. Most pharmacies can order it for you. TOTALLY WORTH TRACKING IT DOWN. Trust me.
I'm with Rachel on the lazy boy thing. I slept in ours for the whole third trimester of my twin pregnancy. If you don't have one, you can have mine. I have two and won't have room for either in our new place!
I completely agree on the lazy boy...that is how I slept with Kayla because the heartburn was so bad.
Recliner all the way!
I agree with the recliner clan. Although I also did very well on my sofa. I kinda wedged myself in at an angle--hard to explain... Anyway, hope you get some sleep tonight!
I'd sleep propped up on a bunch of pillows and then I'd squish a pillow under the preggo puff because that always seemed to make breathing easier.
I don't envy you. Not a bit. :)
When I was pregnant with my twins, I slept surrounded by pillows. Two under my head, one between my legs (one of the contoured ones just for that purpose) and one under my belly. (Just so you know, I am a friend of Erin's. Not some crazy stalker!)
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