Wednesday, March 14, 2012

St. Patrick's Day treat

Picture and directions from here.
I successfully purchased and brought home (without anyone noticing) 2 boxes of Lucky Charms cereal-- though I only needed one box.  This afternoon during quiet time I made up nine of these baggies with toppers.  My two little girl Leprechauns helped me make them. Well, one girl helped me make them, the other tested and danced on the cereal bits I gave her.  I chose sandwich bag size (instead of snack bag size) so that each one would be enough for a bowl of cereal. 

The kids are going to be thrilled Saturday morning.  I think Grandma W. will be secretly thrilled too.  ;) 

And I'm hoping I'm not breaking any laws by stuffing one into Danny's deployment bag.


Large Family Small World said...

how cute! I may have to pick up some lucky charms!

Sorry to hear of the deployment, bummer timing! I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Laurie HF said...

Cute idea! Our 5 year old grandson, who is currently living in our basement is so excited to set up a bunch of leprechaun traps tomorrow night. Of course a few will be visiting during the night. :)