Friday, February 04, 2011

7 out of 10 dentists don't have 7 children under 10

Nothing starts off the day like minty wintergreen toothpaste.  I was in the laundry room shortly before 8 a.m. and smelled the refreshing smell of minty wintergreen toothpaste.

"Aaah.  That is a pleasant smell," I smiled to myself as I unloaded a warm load of clothes from the drier. It didn't take more than a moment's notice before that pleasant thought quickly changed to fear.

Why does my laundry smell like minty wintergreen toothpaste??

I peeled the baby sock from the drier, chucked it in the trash and announced perhaps with a little too much glee, "I am sorry to inform you that all children will no longer be allowed gum.  I found some in the drier and that is not a good place for it to be."

I was met with a chorus of, "I didn't put gum in the drier!"

"Well, of course you didn't," I responded.  "But someone maybe dropped their gum in the dirty laundry basket while they were changing, or put it in their pocket, or spit it in the dirty clothes, but somehow, someone's gum made it through the washer and into the drier.  So no one under the age of 10 will be allowed gum from now on."

"Phew.  That's less than a year for me," Pookie replied.


Lisa said...

OH I love reading your blog SO much, Nikki! I got a huge laugh out of this. Probably because I just found a whole roll of toilet paper in the garbage can--soaking wet, of course, as it had been used to play with... and that's not the first destroyed roll of TP this week... and it wasn't the cheap brand either... And it's not just TP. It's also the prune adventure we had earlier, EVERY LAST KEY getting popped off our laptop, the paper towels used as a "map" (read: spread all over the living room floor), and the list goes on...

Julie V. said...

Ain't motherhood fun? Not boring anyway! Your blog cracks me up - always good for a smile:) I thought I was past those type of escapades, but now experiencing round two with the grand kids!

Susan said...

Love the post and Love the title!! That is just too, too funny!

Melessa Gregg said...

You are nicer than me. There is no gum here, period. And I have a 13 and an 11 year-old in my mix.

Anonymous said...


Rach said...

oh there would be serious WORDS if that happened in my house. You took that very well. I LOVE THAT pookie is excited for less than a year he can have some.