My doctor is WONDERFUL! I have only had this one appointment, but he definitely made a good impression on me. The hospital is right across the road from the clinic. not that I'm likely going to make an hour drive when I'm in labor. But at least I have a totally awesome doctor to take care of me throughout the pregnancy. :)
The drive to the doctor takes me past a lovely little town that showcases the Pacific Ocean beautifully. I wanted to stop and sit on the warm sand and dip my toes in the ocean. But I hurried home so Danny could make it to work on time.
Other pregnancy journal news...
I am nauseas and ornery.
Currently I can't smell due to a nasty cold-- which I have mixed feelings about. It's hard to breathe while I sleep and so I'm sure I'm snoring and then I wake up with a dry throat and mouth. On the other hand, I don't have to smell all those intense smells like Danny's flight suit that after three washes still doesn't seem clean, baby poop x2, Gremlin poop, and the other not-so-fresh hind-ends running around.
I'm sorry I've been so infrequent. If it makes you feel better, I've been reading lots of blogs in my reader.
I had early ultrasounds with 3 of my 5 pregnancies and the detail always amazed me too. Especially with my last one as it had been 5 years since I had a baby.
I believe you are making the world a better place by reading blogs rather than posting. Glad you found a good doctor. They make all the difference.
hope you feel better, and get over that cold soon!
I hope it's a girl.
Congratulations on the pregnancy!
I hope the first trimester flies by, so you feel better!
Make sure you get your protein in, first thing in the morning!!
Boiled eggs, protein shakes, whatever is easiest. It'll help those mornings to be less yucky.
So so happy for you!
Sounds like a good doctor visit...we had hour-long drives for four of my deliveries...plenty of time, actually.
Congrats. I love seeing them on ultrasound. I've been spoiled and gotten to see all my kids several times on ultrasound before they can pick up a heartbeat. It is amazing to watch them grow even week by week. Congrats again. Hope you feel better soon.
I'm so glad you've got a good doctor. They make a huge difference. And I hope the cold goes away, because being sick for two reasons is just not fair.
ack! I love your's always makes me smile...hope all is well.
Missed your announcement so CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!
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