Saturday, November 14, 2009

Always. Sometimes. Never.

I saw this on my sister Rachel's blog. I'd link but it's private. Leave a comment if you do one on your blog so I can hop over and read it.


sing in the shower and the car

use vinegar in the rinse cycle doing laundry

talk to my hubby way too long on the phone when he's at work

decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving

enjoy a good cuddle


brush my teeth in the shower

clip coupons

leave my dirty clothes on the floor

volunteer for things and regret it immediately (like baking 10 dozen muffins for this upcoming Wednesday's PTA sponsored "Muffins with Mom")

borrow Danny's razor to shave when I forget to replace mine in the shower and my legs are like a rain forest

screen my calls

drink caffeine soda


drink alcohol

wear perfume

go to bed at a decent hour

go a whole day without saying "Use soap!"

put toys in the donate bag in front of children


Lisa said...

sure, I'll do one on mine.

Jerusha said...

I use vinegar too, I sometime screen my calls or just not answer is at all--I mean who wants to hear a crying child while trying to talk, and I never drink caffinated pop.

Nikki said...

I only drink caffeine sodas for migraines. But unfortunately if I have a crazy long migraine that lasts more than two days, then I get a caffeine headache and have to be weaned off it.

Felt the need to explain. ;)

And it's pretty awesome that you've never had it. It's not good for you.

Ticklemedana said...

I'm totally doing this...haven't done a meme in a are you doing, by the way?