Today at my ultrasound with Super-Doc before being discharged to go home on bedrest:
Baby A is sitting breach, very low and weighs 4 lbs. 13 oz.
Baby B is head down, but very high in the uterus and weighs 5 lbs. 1 oz.
I'm 32 weeks 1 day. We're praying to reach 35 weeks.
P.S. Monday at 31 weeks 6 days I measured 40 weeks.
hang on babies!! and mom :)
Good to hear the babies and you are hanging in there. You're in our prayers. *hugs*
Oh my Nikki! You're almost there! I keep thinking and praying for both of you!
Stay in that oven baby buns!
Your so close. Thank for the update. I will be thinking and praying for you and your babies.
You're doing awesome gestating work Nikki. I'm sending my prayers your way!
Praying for you and the babies, hubby and kidlets right now...
Praying along with you. I sure hope you have alot of help so you can stay true to your bedrest. Wish I lived closer!
Were you given the steroids for their lungs while you were in the hospital? I delivered a few hours after I recieved it so the shot didn't do much for us, but with that said Megan was on room air relatively quickly after she was born...Hallie was a bit longer and was on a c-pap immeadiately after she was born and then intabated for about 12 hours through the first day.
Your babies are going to be a great size! Their size will be a great help if they are born pre-maturely; they at least won't have such a struggle with trying to stay warm as well. Megan was 3 lb. 9 oz. and Hallie was 4 lb. 14 oz. They didn't come out of their isolets for about 3 weeks because they couldn't take the chill of room temperature. We delivered at 32 1/2 weeks.
Good luck! It is so close. Ask about the steroid. I made a friend at our hospital who's baby was born @ 30 weeks but was breathing room air. She got the shot early enough to do some good. It was a singleton birth so I don't know if that had any bearing on the success of the shot.
I'm so excited for you! Babies are such a blessing, but those twins are something else. You're
YOu better pinch those legs together...sorry to sound so graphic. I hope the boys are healthy and strong for me to take pictures of them. hooray for twins.
I hope that everything goes well and you're able to hold off until 35 weeks. Right now their the sizes of mine at birth, but we thankfully were able to make it to 35 weeks (barely). Same positions too...good luck on the bedrest with kids! :) You're better than I am, so I'm sure you'll do awesome!
I don't know if you remember me; I'm Lisa Sheffer, Laurie and Bryce Fifield's second-youngest daughter (older sister to Sara). I've been secretly watching your blog for a while now, and just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you and praying for you. We live far away, so there's not much more that we can do, but we'll for sure keep you in our prayers.
You can check my blog whenever you want. ;)
Hang in there. YOu are in our prayers. Wish I was there to keep you company.
I had to chuckle at your comment. I absolutely remember you even without you needing to give me your background info. I just love your cute family!
Thanks for your prayers. And I follow your blog too! ;)
Oh my Goodness. nathan and i were just talking about visiting you in the hospital those 6 years ago. I hope that you and the babies can hang in there.
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