This past weekend I got a multitude of good mail. I received cards from two dear friends: Laura at The Peanut Patch my bloggy friend, and my friend Anne-Marie, an Air Force friend who moved away. Both were wonderfully uplifting and encouraging cards. Thank you so much!
I also received my new apron I ordered from Smockity Frocks blog. It is the Roses and Gingham apron and ADORABLE! Bun was especially excited for me to have a new apron. He said, "You got a new apron?! Now you can make us something!" Gabbers was a little disappointed that this does not necessarily mean she gets my "old" Strawberries and Gingham apron.
I received a book I ordered from Amazon or eBay or something. The book is called When you're expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads. I had ordered it when I was expecting triplets. But since I'm still expecting twins, it still applies. This is the best book on having and surviving and thriving in a multiples pregnancy. I felt like my doctor, as wonderful as he is, wasn't qualified to give me instructions on having multiples. I had asked him if I should have more calcium or something. Should I take more vitamins? Drink more water? His reply was to eat whatever I could keep down. But I felt like I really needed more than that. This book talks about how important it is to gain weight and in my case to eat 8 servings of dairy, 10 grain, 4 vegetables, 7 fruits, 2 eggs, 3 servings of meat, and 6 servings of fats, oils, and nuts EVERY DAY. And on top of all that to drink eight 16 oz. glasses of water a day too! It details the direct result of heavier twins that go closer to term.
I decided it was worth a try. When I read it I nearly puked at the thought of that much food- since I can't even eat a whole apple or banana in one sitting. But there were lots of tips and great advice on how to fit the food into my day- and night.
Last night before bed I made a milkshake out of vanilla ice cream, a banana, dash of cinnamon and whole milk. I shared it with the kids and they thought I was the best mom in the whole world!
In the middle of the night when I had to check on Hammie who was having a nightmare, I decided to get a glass of milk since I was up. That kept my nausea in check through the morning. Then Pookie woke me up saying, "You promised to make me a big breakfast." So this morning I made French toast out of a couple loaves of whole wheat bread I made last week and fried them in bacon grease. I was able to keep my best mom in the whole world title. The kids were so excited about the French toast since it had been probably 6 or more months since I last made it. They weren't hardly interested in bananas or other fruit that went along with the "big breakfast." I made an extra loaf and flash froze it on cooling racks in the freezer for a future breakfast.
I'm feeling pretty good about myself this morning. Danny has been gone one day so far. I just have to think about one day at a time instead of an overwhelming 5 weeks.
I understand about your OB not giving you great advice. I switched to a high-risk OB who specialized in multiple births. He was awesome! As for the food--eat what you can keep down, and if you can't keep much down, ask about drugs to help! I lived on Zofran. Sounds like you're doing great--keep it up! And btw--I'll email you that recipe!
Wowzers!! what a GREAT mom! I thought I was doing good because I woke up before the baby woke me up at 7am. hhahahaha. Good to hear that you are feeling better.
Good Job Mom! Sounds like you're off to a great start for this training time. Hopefully those little meals will help keep up the energy, and keep the nausea at bay. HUGS!
You're so step at a time. Concentrate on today.
I'm glad at least one wave of nausea passed you by.
sounds like you're doing great! that's good to hear. keep it up and i'm sure you'll be awesome! you've always been a go getter.
Way to be a good mom!! Milkshakes work everytime. Love it. Glad to hear you are doing well. I think of you often, so hopefully you are gettin the vibe all the way from Japan!!
WAY TO GO NIKKI! I am very proud of you and being able to do it all solo! 5 weeks!!! I PRAY that it goes by quickly. Good luck! I wish that I lived closer, I would have your kids come spend the day at my house so that you could rest. hang in there girl!
Wow! You are amazing! I've been out of town and now I am getting caught up on stuff. I'm sorry to hear that one of the babies didn't make it. I hope you are doing okay. I hope the 5 weeks goes by fast as well. George left me back in the fall and I only had two kids and wasn't pregnant, puking, etc. So, again, give yourself a pat on the back for being supermom!
Hang in there Nikki!! Life keeps going, so the time won't last forever. I'm glad that you are able to keep SOMETHING down, here's hoping that trend continues. For now, I would just worry about eating whatever stays down. I hope it's ice cream.
It's been a while since I've checked on you. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost one of the babies. I'm sorry you have to move while you're pregnant. (I think I moved at some point during each of my pregnancies) Are you going someplace you've been before? FYI: I gained 50 lbs. when I was pregnant with twins. I weighed over 210 lbs. when I delivered. Talk about stretch marks! My body has never and will never recover. I prefer to look at them as battle scars...trophies, if you will. One tip for the latter-end of your pregnancy: USE THE MOTORIZED CARTS AT THE GROCERY STORE!!! I always looked at those little carts longingly when I would go to the store and think about having to waddle my huge 200-plus incubating body to the bag of the store for a gallon of milk. I never did ride one, but I should have! I deserved it!! You will too!!!
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