Monday, August 04, 2008

linen closet pictures

Close up of one of the labels. I don't like that it's on silver; but I ran out of white. This actually holds the hand towels for the ducky bathroom. My bathroom only has like four hand towels. So three of them are rolled up in a basket on the toilet tank with the listerine that doesn't fit in the medicine cabinet. The fourth towel is hanging up. This does hold my washcloths though and the ducky bathroom hand towels. The ducky bathroom washcloths are in a basket on the back of the toilet tank in their bathroom. The are folded in fourths. I chose using a basket because I don't like little stacks of things that could fall over and cause chaos.
See the rolled towels on the second from the top shelf? Usually there's about seven. I just stack the other rolled ones on top. Those are hooded towels. The main reason I separated them from regular bath towels is because Danny doesn't like grabbing a towel and finding out it has a hood and re-folding it to put it back.

Here's the same picture with flash. Sorry I couldn't get back far enough to take a picture of the entire closet at once. The wall was in the way. The towels next to the (rolled) hooded towels are swim/gym towels. They are wildly printed Nemo and such, or thinner (from being used for years) or lesser quality-type thin towels. The main bath towels are on the shelf below- right next to the washcloth/ hand towels basket. There are three stacks: right next to the basket, right behind the stack, and right behind the basket.

See the basket on the lower shelf? That's for pillowcases. They multiply when I'm not looking. The main reason they're confined to the basket is because they're about the same size as the folded playpen sheets. Next to the pillowcase basket is toddler/playpen sheets. Next to that stack all the way to the right is twin sheets. Behind that front row of beautifully folded items are a couple of guest pillows. They're fairly new-- like three weeks old. I don't believe in offering my guests pillows that are dusty and splotchy and can fold in half and stay that way. When the kids pillows get old, I toss them out and give them the guest ones. Then I buy new guest pillows. But that's not until after I've washed them and bleached them and made sure every last nap is out of the kid pillows first.
So I tried taking a picture from an angle. You get the advantage of seeing down the stairs and seeing donation bags waiting to be hauled away to the thrift store. If you click on the picture to make it larger, and I know you will because I do it too because I'm nosy um curious, you will see a bit of my quilt rack that I ADORE, and three little jars sitting on top. Those are our mommy money jars. Actually one is a disposable yellow cup because her jar broke one enthusiastic Mommy store day. But I digress, the linen closet in this pic is all but the top shelf. So you can't see the toilet paper and quilts shelf. But you can see the throw-size blankets/quilts and the one set of king-size air mattress sheets on the bottom shelf.


Tara H. said...

Ahhh, your linen closet makes everything seem right with the world. Organization is a beautiful thing.
Totally awesome!! You have enspired me to use baskets and roll the towels. Brilliant idea.

JoMamma said...

Amazing job. I need you to come organize my house, but I am to embarrassed to let you see my closet. Until I get the ambition I'll keep my closet door closed.

Leslie said...

I love tidy spaces! And I'm in love with labeling but for some reason I haven't ever labeled my linen areas (ours in in various spots not just one closet). I'm feeling the labeling mojo picking up!

FluffyChicky said...

I expect you to come to my house now and put those awesome organizing skillz to use! Your closet looks great!