37. Thank you for teaching me how to cloth diaper.
38. Thank you for teaching me how to change diapers.
39. Thank you for letting us stay with you announced.
40. Thank you for sending me health news updates. :)
41. Thank you for calling me regularly.
42. Thank you for teaching me how to bake lasagna.
43. Thank you for picking up food storage items for me.
44. Thank you for teaching me how to peel an orange.
45. Thank you for teaching me how to string flower leis.
46. Thank you for teaching me how to sew.
47. Thank you for teaching me to say "No" to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. I've never touched it.
48. Thank you for teaching me to take my vitamins.
49. Thank you for loading me up with food storage when I got married and moved into my first apartment.
50. Thank you for teaching me how to can food.
51. Thank you for teaching me how to wear make-up.
52. Thank you for teaching me how to walk with confidence.
53. Thank you for teaching me the value of hard work.
54. Thank you for teaching me how to be jovial and happy.
55. Thank you for recommending books to me.
56. Thank you for letting me call you in the middle of the night when we have tornadoes.
57. Thank you for teaching me how to relax.
58. Thank you for being patient with me.
59. Thank you for loving me.
60. Thank you for being you!
I love you Mom. You're the best mom in the whole wide world. I appreciate you. I thank my Heavenly Father for you every day when I teach my kids things you taught me.
Happy Birthday!
What a great post for your wonderful Mom! Will you teach me how to string flower leis?
What a great post! Didn't Heavenly Father do it right by giving us mothers?!
How do you remember all these things? I don't remember all these things. Thank you for saying such nice things about me. It's a very nice birthday present!
That is a very lovely tribute. Very cool.
I left a little something for you on my blog.
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