Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My Country, Tis of thee

to play

SuperCoolMom-- I do have a CD that my kids love to listen to that has the states in alphabetical order and then the states with the capitals as well. So, I was definitely singing it in my head while typing furiously fast. Here's a link to the CD. And here's a link to an old WFMW that talks about it and other fun in the car.


SuperCoolMom said...

Brilliant! Do you know a song or something?

I got 46, with some help. Missed Nebraska, Indiana, Missippi, and something else...hmmm.

Rach said...

ok, so it took me 7 minutes and 43 seconds and I had to use another map to find the ones I couldn't remember..I think I need to retake 5th grade

Matt said...

I know all 50, thakns to a song I learned in 4th or 5th grade. Unfortunatly, it dind't tell me how to spell correctly and I got stuck on Conneticut (Is still don't know how to spell it). Good job and time for you Nikki!

A. said...

Ok - so I have the SAME cd (thanks to your recommendation long ago), and was easily able to pop them out. However, in my defense of being over 3 minutes behind you, my 19 month old decided to come crawl up my leg as I began to type and tried shoving me away from the comp. That, plus for the life of me I could not spell "ConneCticut". Err!!! I finally saved it for last and had to o google it. lol

Haddorkus said...

I couldn't find the place where you where supposed to put on the names and I was furiously clickly on the states on the map and nothing was happening. I think I wasted a minute that way. The rest of the time I wasted was all spelling errors. I finally had to go to dictionary.com for massachusetts. That took a lot of time. 7 minutes 22 sec.