Yesterday I had a migraine. Danny brought home Mountain Dew. I drank one can and took two Tylenol and it was gone. So, caffeine works for me. And there's less caffeine in one can of Mountain Dew than there is in one Excedrin.
And, uh, bishop, just ignore this post, okay?
I read an article that taking analgesics (pain relievers) with caffeine helps them hit your system faster. It sure works for me too!
caffeine definatly works... Most migraine medication has caffeine in it. There used to be this dissolvable excedrine which was amazing... But I swear by Excedrine migraine (also has caffeine) even over prescription drugs!
also, even though the commercials are annoying, "Head on" is pretty great!
Thanks for the post ... I too suffer from migraines, mostly hormonal, and have used this same combo with some success. I also use exedrin (which I know contains caffiene) from time to time with success as well. Hope all who are suffering from migraines find relief very fast - they are awful!
I need to try this!
I'm glad you got the kiddie kwips figured out. I feel bad it happened when you were trying to help me figure out the background thing (which fortunately I have almost figured out).
I'm glad I don't suffer from migraines but if I ever do I'll try your idea. Have any tricks for overworked, exasperated, drained mom-brain? (besides the chocolate and sugar combo I'm experiementing with)
Just so ya know, Excedrin migraine is the same as regular Excedrine, is the same as generic. My migraine cocktail is Dr. Pepper and Excedrin (I won't tell your bishop if you don't tell mine!).
I LU-HUV your new look! do you think you could tutor me on how I could customize my blog? Did you get my email? My email addy is at the very top of my sidebar.
I don't suffer from migraines but my mom does...I'll pass this on to her (and stock her up)! Here from Rocks in My Dryer...
Misty- I used to have a prescription (before kids) that didn't work nearly as well as my Tylenol and caffeine combo. It took away the pain, but left me with the nausea and disorientation that comes with some migraines.
My migraines are mostly hormonal as well.
Jamie- This made me laugh. (the cocktail part and the not telling your bishop)
Connie- The background/template is free from Pyzam. Just a warning though, it will delete everything you have on your sidebar and all widgets. They have loads and loads of different options. You can just click on the red stripe at the top of my blog that says "Pyzam" on it.
Jennifer in or-
Good luck to your mom and her migraines.
and everyone else suffering.
ohhhh I do like your new background...it is so much more exciting and friendly. P.s. Let your hubby know that I ran into his 'former' family the other day and I put another nail in that coffin...they are mine mine mine...he can have Scarrol (hehehehe)
Oh my word! I could spend hours looking at that site. I'm torn between "Skull and Crossbones" and "Luscious Lips".
::snort:: I KID!!
Seriously, though, I liked the "Ice" background, but I'm scared to try it. I hate to lose my whole sidebar.
You don't have icicles because it has to be warm enough for the snow or ice to start melting and then refreeze right away. It's too cold where you are to start melting to be able to refreeze.
I can't stand Moutain Dew, but there is a pain reliever called pain aid made by Zee medical that is magic in pill for that helps.
I'm somewhat immune to caffeine (too many late nights in college I think) and if I'm not immune, I end up with a racing heart from it - so not so good. But...my Mom had migraines all the time when I was a kid and she had the best remedy ever (and I've used it many, many times)...
If you can take some time for yourself - lie down in a darkened room (use an eye cover if you don't have dark blinds) and put a bonnet hairdryer on your head on whatever setting feels best. The bonnet has to go over your ears - the white noise lets me sleep without the pounding and after about 1/2 an hour - I awake feeling SO much better! I love my bonnet hairdryer (you can still get them at Sears and online at ebay) and use it for heating up a cold bed as well!
I take Excedrine with a can of Coke. It usually works for me!
Hi everyone,
be careful about drinking soda with caffeine and Excedrin at the same time. Excedrin already has caffeine, and the label warns not to drink any additional caffeine. It could be harmful to your heart. I just take my excedrin with water and then lie down and apply ice on and off on the side where my head hurts. That usually works.
I hope all of you are headache-free today.
I'm trying Excedrin n Dr. Pepper right now. I saw something saying to drop then in your Dr. Pepper. I guess bc the Excedrin dissolves and I know it's alot of caffeine but Iv had other drinks with twice the caffeine which BTW will not do again..eep..I'll see how this works but the other bad thing about my position is this dang cough I just got that is driving me crazy n not helping the headache :(
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