I am not a fan of forwards. And my dearly beloved and now departed (to another part of the country) friend Jenny inspired me by her recent posts of silly pictures and jokes. Below are some funny pics that were forwarded to Danny in email and he shared with me. I don't like to forward emails so you get them here! You're welcome.

Mom, I thought you might enjoy this first one. :)

Okay - that was hysterical! I LOVE those silly signs. The one to the dog was too funny as was the zoo one. I 'll have to show those to my children.
P.S. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Regarding fans, no my kids didn't ever put their fingers in the fans. We taught them "ouch" and "no" and most of the crew are fairly cautious. Now sticking in pieces of string or paper is a different story. That required a little discipline and training. Ha!
The table fans are small and pretty safe. The blades are plastic and seem to be set back from the edge of the casing.
Nice hearing from you.
Duckabush Blog
Those are great! I took one at the zoo the other day of a sign on a bathroom donated by friends of a long-time volunteer. It said, "She would always go before she went."
I love silly signs, we had a mis-spelled on at my high school. It read: Trespassing Prohibibited. Good for a public school. It was there when my sister started in the early 80's and was still there when I graduated in the mid-90's. It was located right off the faculty parking lot. Teachers have sense of humors, too.
Those were hilarious! Thanks for passing that along, it gave me a little chuckle for the day.
I love the smoking one. I'm going to use that photo as my background on my computer while my silly smoker sister is staying at our house.
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