Thursday, February 21, 2008

(Insert clever post name here)

Last night Danny called to say he was on his way home, finally. It was a 9:45 p.m. and normally he's home by 5 p.m. He was working late on a new task assigned to him. I told him, "Bring Tato Skins." So he stopped by the Shoppette, left the car running, and ran in to get me some chips. Isn't he sweet? Well, here in the Frozen North it is absolutely commonplace to leave your car running when you go shopping in the dead of winter. Last night when it was approximately negative 20 degrees with windchill, it was necessary.

As many of you know, Danny's degrees are in Criminal Justice. He is not the type to leave a car running unattended. He does not leave the door unlocked to the house-- ever. There have only been a handful of times in the last four years living here that he left the upstairs windows open at night in the summer. Danny is a safe, conscientious guy. He reads the news!

So, out of repeated habit in his last 16 years of driving and taking care of a vehicle, he locked the car doors. But he didn't realize it until he had bought the chips and was on the way out. He called to tell me his predicament.

At this point, I was giving Ham a late night snack and the other kids were fast asleep. All was quiet in the house. I had just written a song for Danny and was playing back the recording. The dryer was tumbling diapers. The floors were swept. The carpet was vacuumed. No snail trails on the sofa. Clean undies in the drawers. I was feeling pretty good.

What to do? Wake up the older three kids? Bundle them in cold-weather gear? Load them in a van that’s colder than my deep-freeze? Hurry out and save my Danny?

to be continued . . . here.


Smockity Frocks said...

Oh my word! I hope he's not STILL at the Shopette!

Mrs. Morty said...

leave the kids and sneak out would be my first inclination but the knowing my luck the house would burn down while I was gone for 5 minutes and I would be in jail for the rest of my life for "neglecting" my children when really it was in their best interest to leave them (sort of)

Matt said...

I hate to say it but I would take Ham and sneak out while the others were asleep. Does that make me horrible? I have had to do that before.

gurrbonzo said...

HURRY! I can't take the suspense. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT???

i'm erin. said...

YOU CALLED THE COPS! I know it...I would be 'danged' if I got my kids up and went and saved his but....hahaha

lizbit said...

oh, the suspense! And congrats on the well-ordered house, by the way. :) It's just me, and I still don't manage to keep things clean...

feywriter said...

So what happened???

Haddorkus said...

Oh, you are so good. Tease.

Um, MP's you are going to have to save my husband becuase I am too busy and warm at the moment, thank you.

Junebug said...

Your kids are so precious. How fun to home-school. I home-schooled my three until eighth grade, then they went to public school. But it brings back memories seeing your flip book, such a great idea.

Julie V. said...

What about having your home teacher swing by to pick up your set of keys on his way to rescue hubby so you can keep the kiddies warm and happy? (I keep a spare car key in a secret place on my car for just such emergencies...)