Monday, March 09, 2009


Pencils again. I woke up completely parched, dehydrated, cotton-mouth, desperate for a drink of water- only to find it tastes like pencils again. argh. Maybe I'll make some juice to hide the taste.


Just SO said...

Yuck. Pencils definitely do not taste good.

Anonymous said...

Big, big, bummer.

Blessed Mommy said...

Sorry....I have been where you are...everything tasted like pennies or pencils during my 5th pregnancy with my now 3 yr old daughter. It does go away eventually, but seems like it was at least the mid to late 2nd trimester. Just another one of God's wonderful ways of assuring us that our pregnancy is going good. Blessings to you!
Blessed Mommy

A. said...

Hmm.. first thought is, why do you know what pencils taste like? (Although, if you are craving lead, you may be iron deficient).

Secondly, don't worry...once you move out here, everything tastes like pool water (heavily chlorinated).

That Girl said...

I'm glad you wandered over to my blog, because now I'm wandering all over yours.

I like you, lady. Lots.

The Schooley's said...

I don't miss the pencil tasting water. You should invest in a Pure for the pregnancy!! Grin.......