Saturday, November 11, 2006

Alive and queasy

I'm still alive. I have morning sickness constantly. One morning all I could stomach for breakfast was a third of a banana. I discovered in my pregnancy with Pookie, that if I eat something at least every 1 1/2 to 2 hours then I won't throw up. I just feel like I'm going to. So, overall this whole four weeks since I've known I'm pregnant, I've only thrown up once. I feel really thirsty because normally I drink 10+ glasses of water a day. But if I drink more than 6 ounces at a time I feel really ill. So I have to sneak my water in around my two crackers or third of a banana snacks. I usually end up drinking water all night long in between bathroom visits. Like I've said before, pregnancy is the best diet for me. It forces me to eat healthy and healthy amounts. At least the prenatal vitamins aren't making me any sicker like they usually do. I'm sure the chocolate companies are missing my business though.

Other than extreme nausea, I'm so fatigued. This morning I slept on G and Bun's spare twin-size mattress on the floor from 7:30 until 9:15 while all three kids played. I took on a defensive sleeping position just in case. I almost got poked in the eye with the singing horse though. That thing is dangerous. I would've been poked had it not been singing-- I heard it coming. Bun also thought it would be lots of fun to crawl over me with a poopy diaper. So I did wake up enough to change him, and then I continued my morning nap. Now they're begging for food. So I better go feed them.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! Good thing the end result of pregnancy is worth it, right? Though the effects of sleep deprivation and nausea might make us think twice at times...

Anonymous said...

Oh Nikki! I'm so glad that you are alive! I'm also soooo sorry that you are so sick. I was not sick to much with my first five pregnancy, but with Tess I had an undiagnosed bladder infection, which made me sick. Then when they found it, they gave me sulfa to get rid of it, and I'm apparently allergic to sulfa. All I did all day was lay in bed, and dream about dying. It was horrible! So I feel for you, terribly! Just keep remembering that it doesn't last forever, and thankfully we are not elephants. (2 year pregnancy)

Nikki said...

I'm severely allergic to sulfa drugs too! I found that out with my first bladder infection in 1998. I broke out from head to toe in hives (except my nose). The doctors did find a UTI last week when I went into the ER (for spotting) that they're treating with Amoxicillan. But ick, I feel gross.

lizbit said...

Ah, the singing horse . . . that thing could really do some damage! I can't wait to see you next week, but I do hope you survive the road trip. At least while you're here, you'll be able to farm out the kids, right?

Leslie said...

that is so miserable - I totally feel for you. I don't know why something that ends with a wonderful baby has to be so yucky at times!